Administrative and research support staff positions

UCPH is of the largest work places in the capital, and just under half of the 9.000 staff works with administration and research support. These staff ensure that UCPH can utilize its size and diversity to produce results of the highest standard. In 2013 Monocle Magazine heralded Copenhagen as “the most liveable city in the world”.

Head of Collections at Medical Museion Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab 16-02-2025
Vacant project manager position for the translational activities within the Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability (AEGIS) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences GLOBE Institute 16-02-2025
Akademisk medarbejder til understøttelse af outreach og organisationstiltag Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences BRIC 16-02-2025
Få et spændende og udviklende studiejob på et internationalt kontor i HR-afdelingen på Københavns Universitet og styrk dit CV og dit netværk! University Management Fællesadministrationen 17-02-2025
IT Officer, HCC, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 18-02-2025
SCIENCE Student Assistant at Niels Bohr Institute, Condensed Matter Physics Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 20-02-2025
Studentermedarbejder til Ømålsordbogen, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Faculty of Humanities Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab 21-02-2025
Studerende til Bornholmsk Ordbog Faculty of Humanities Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab 21-02-2025
Laboratory Technician, bioanalyst or Academic research staff for the Proteomics Research Infrastructure Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordic Foundation Center for Protein Research 23-02-2025
Laboratory Assistant Positions at the University of Copenhagen – Department of Neuroscience Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Neurovidenskab 25-02-2025
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW is seeking an administrative student assistant Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences reNEW NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine 27-02-2025
Gartner eller gartnermedarbejder med erfaring søges til Nørre Campus, Københavns Universitet Faculty of Social Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 02-03-2025
AV-tekniker søges til Nørre Campus, Københavns Universitet Faculty of Social Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 02-03-2025
Staff Scientist (AC-TAP) in Conservation Biology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences GLOBE Institut 03-03-2025
Full-time Molecular Biology Lab Manager at Natural History Museum Denmark Faculty of Science Statens Naturhistoriske Museum 21-03-2025