Teaching positions

Teaching positions include assistant lecturers, part-time lecturers, assistant professors and associate professors. Some faculties mainly post positions in April and October. Contact the department relevant to you for more information.

Read about the job structure and the recruitment process for faculty and academic staff.

Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin på Københavns Universitet søger 5 eksterne lektorer i Molekylær Medicin, Makroskopisk Anatomi og Klinisk Anatomi Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin 20-02-2025
Undervisningsassistenter til statistikkurser ved Biostatistisk Afdeling Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab 20-02-2025
Teaching Assistant Professor of Companion Animal Clinical Nutrition Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin 02-03-2025