Student helper at the Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute
The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) at NBI, SCIENCE, at the University of Copenhagen is looking for a student helper, starting from 1 November or as soon as possible thereafter. The job is permanent as long as you are studying at UCPH.
About us
DAWN is a center of excellence at both NBI and DTU Space at the Danish Technical University, researching the first stars, galaxies, and black holes and their early evolution. The atmoshpere is lively and non-hierarchical.
Your tasks
Your job will be helping at the NBI, with occasional trips to DTU. Your main tasks will be helping with
- Organizing meetings and workshops (e.g. order and setup lunch, technical assistance, cleaning up)
- Maintaining our website (
- Small coding tasks
- Preparing and type-setting our annual report
- Day-to-day tasks such as watering flowers, keeping the kitchen tidy, and running errands
Any of the following experiences will be an advantage:
- Experience with standard admin software (editors, spreadsheets, Google forms, etc.)
- Knowledge of the academic community, in particular (astro-)physics
- Experience with WordPress, and preferably also HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL
- Basic coding skills (shell-scripting, Python, LaTeX, etc.)
Salary and employment conditions
The employment is made in accordance with the Collective Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the Organisations of Public Employees – governmental institutions (the OAO-S collective agreement) and the Professional Agreement for clerical employees, laboratory technicians and IT-officers in the state.
You will be employed as an hourly paid student. The working time is 10 hours per week on average. Salary is based om seniority and the hourly rate is min. DKK 140.56.
During your employment you must be enrolled as a student at UCPH.
Payment as an hourly paid student cannot take place for more than a total of six years at the University of Copenhagen.
The salary is based on the actual number of hours worked, and you are not guaranteed a fixed number of hours.
UCPH is currently designing a new administrative organisation. It is expected this new organisation will cause changes during the next year and a half. One of the goals with the new organisation is to stregthen the cooperation across UCPH, and to increase the effectiveness and secure excellent career paths for the administrative staff at UCPH. Please contact the union representative for information regarding the link between this position and the new organisation.
Your application
Applications are sent electronically together with a CV and documentation for enrollment at UCPH via Jobportalen (click the link "SØG STILLINGEN" in the bottom of the job ad) at the latest 15 October 2024.
Interviews will take place in week 43 (21–25 October).
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Further questions
Questions about the job can be sent to Helena Baungaard-Sørensen and Peter Laursen
Read more about DAWN, NBI, and the SCIENCE faculty at,, and, respectively.
Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.