Administrative and research support staff positions

UCPH is of the largest work places in the capital, and just under half of the 9.000 staff works with administration and research support. These staff ensure that UCPH can utilize its size and diversity to produce results of the highest standard. In 2013 Monocle Magazine heralded Copenhagen as “the most liveable city in the world”.

VR programmer Faculty of Social Sciences The Virtual Learning Lab 28-03-2025
Praktisk orienteret Forskningskoordinator med flair for administration og børn til SCIENCE ved Institut for Idræt og Ernæring, Sektion for Ernæring og Sundhed Faculty of Science Institut for Idræt og Ernæring 30-03-2025
Laboratory manager to NQCP Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 31-03-2025
Lab technician to the Laboratory for Integrative Biomedicine, Department of Biology Faculty of Science Department of Biology 31-03-2025
Staff scientist in bioinformatics & computational science Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences BRIC 01-04-2025
Konsulent til sikkerhedsopgaver på KU University Management KU Forskning og Informationssikkerhed 02-04-2025
Laborant til Center for Medicinsk Parasitologi ved Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi (ISIM) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Immunologi og Mikrobiologi (ISIM) 02-04-2025
Staff scientist in the Human Immune Organoid facility Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department for Immunology and Microbiology 02-04-2025
Staff Scientist (academic employee) in PHAGEBio at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 03-04-2025
Department of Anthropology seeking new student assistants Faculty of Social Sciences Institut for Antropologi 03-04-2025
AC-fuldmægtig til Forskningsunderstøttelse på Datalogisk Institut (barselsvikarat) Faculty of Science Datalogisk Institut 06-04-2025
Samlingsmedarbejder i marin invertebratzoologi til Statens Naturhistoriske Museum / Collection Manager in marine invertebrate zoology at the Natural History Museum of Denmark Faculty of Science Statens Naturhistoriske Museum 08-04-2025
Student assistant with interest in development issues Faculty of Science Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) 09-04-2025
Head of Department for the Computer Science Department (DIKU) Faculty of Science Datalogisk Institut 05-05-2025