Associate Professor within the field of History and Culture of the English-speaking world with a focus on British history and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), is inviting applications for a position as Associate Professor within the field of History and Culture of the English-speaking world with a focus on British history and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries starting by 1 August 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

We are looking for a new colleague within the field of History and Culture of the English-speaking world who can complement the department’s interdisciplinary research environment. The candidate is expected to: bring a strong and internationally recognised publication record with special focus on elements of British history and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; have a documented teaching record, in which experience with using digital history methodologies is considered an advantage (and should be outlined in the submitted material); have experience with applying for external funding; have a good sense of how to contribute to a sound and vibrant teaching and research environment.

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies is home to approx. 40 faculty staff members, 15 PhD students, 10 postdocs, 20 part-time lecturers, and 1,000 students.

The department produces research of the highest international standard and contributes to many national initiatives and conversations.

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies offers six degree programs in the major Western European languages (as they are spoken on a global scale) and their associated literatures, cultures, and societies: English Studies, French Studies, German Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies and International Business Communication. The department educates interdisciplinary candidates combining knowledge of language, literature, culture and history for the educational sector as well as for other sectors of Danish society and beyond.

The successful applicant will: develop and strengthen the field of research in British history and culture; contribute actively to developing an interdisciplinary research environment, including the integration of digital methodologies in the curriculum; have an interest in applying for external funding; teach and develop BA and MA courses as well as undertake supervision and examinations in the field of British history and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; take part in managing research projects, provide pedagogical supervision, support assistant professors, take on relevant administrative tasks and serve on committees; collaborate with external stakeholders and contribute to a vibrant and respectful work environment.

Read more about the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies here: Engerom-English – University of Copenhagen

Read more about the Department’s research groups here: Research – University of Copenhagen

Qualification requirements
The associate professorship is a permanent position. Candidates are expected to document scholarly research production at the highest international level and must demonstrate the potential to make a significant impact in their field both locally and internationally.

Appointment as an associate professor requires a relevant master’s degree and full mastery of English in speech and writing equivalent to C2 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference). English is the language of instruction

Experience with English Studies in non-English-speaking countries is considered an advantage.

The duties of the position are evenly distributed on tasks related to teaching and tasks related to research (including relevant administration and dissemination).

Applicants are encouraged to read the University guidelines for teaching portfolio when appointing staff at UCPH. Job application portfolio – University of Copenhagen

For more information about the qualification requirements for associate professorships, as stipulated in the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities (2019) see: Ministerial_Order_no._1443_of_11_December_2019_on_Job_Structure_for_Academic_Staff_at_Universities.pdf

Assessment criteria
Shortlisted candidates deemed within the scope of the position will have their academic qualifications assessed by an Assessment Committee. The candidates’ competences will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 

  • Research qualifications, including the degree of originality and scope of peer-reviewed scientific production; the applicant’s research plan; participation in research environments; and scientific breadth and depth in relation to the position’s academic profile.
  • Teaching qualifications, including research-based teaching experience and interest in developing their own pedagogic competencies (e.g. documented didactic training).
  • Experience and competencies in the dissemination of research, external partnerships and other forms of societal impact in the form of media contributions, advice and knowledge-sharing in the public sphere.
  • Experience with contributing to organisational work, collaborating with others, and generating a vibrant and inclusive work environment.
  • Experience with applications for external research funding and plans for applying for external funding.

For more information about the UCPH’s general criteria for the employment of associate professors, please see here: Criteria for recognising merit – University of Copenhagen

Further information about the position is available from the head of department Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, e-mail:

All applications must be submitted online, in PDF format, via the link “Apply

for the position” at the bottom of the page.

Applications must be written in English and must include the following attachments: 

  1. Application letter (max. one page)
  2. CV (max. three pages)
  3. Documentation of qualifications (exam certificates, PhD diploma, etc.)
  4. Publications: Applicants must submit a maximum of five publications for assessment, of which a minimum of two must have been published within the last five years prior to the deadline for applications. The selected publications must be uploaded as attachments and numbered 1–5. If any of the publications have one or more co-authors, applicants must clearly identify the part(s) for which they are responsible. The university may request statements from co-authors on the scope and nature of their contribution to the work.
  5. Complete publication list (attached publications must be marked with an asterisk). The list must be structured systematically and divided into the following categories:
    1. Peer-reviewed publications:
      Monographs and anthologies
      Articles in journals
      Book chapters/anthology contributions, etc.
    2. Non-peer-reviewed publications
      Publications disseminating research findings, etc.
      Other publications
  6. A research plan that includes a brief description of previous research, current research projects and upcoming research. Applicants are also asked to account for experience with organizing research events (workshop, conferences, etc.) and with research collaborations, and participation in research environments both at the local and international levels (max. five pages)
  7. Teaching portfolio (max. five pages, documentation appendix max. ten pages), consisting of a factual overview of teaching experience and areas of responsibility, a paper reflecting on own teaching competencies and a documentation appendix.

Salary and terms of employment
Terms of appointment and salary will be in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). The salary range for Associate professors starts at DKK 44,900 (roughly EUR 6,000) + a 17.1 % contribution to the pension scheme.
It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The recruitment process
After the application deadline, the Head of Department selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointment Committee. All applicants are notified whether their application has been accepted for assessment. The Head of Department subsequently appoints an Expert Assessment Committee tasked with carrying out an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee. Applicants are ultimately offered the opportunity of commenting on the part of the assessment relating to themselves before the appointment is finalized.

Further information on the recruitment process at UCPH can be found here: Recruitment process – University of Copenhagen

An Equal Opportunity Workplace
UCPH is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to creating an inclusive working environment, and therefore encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, etc.

The University of Copenhagen is a multilingual workplace, operating according to the principle of parallel language use. This means that English and Danish are used as part of everyday activities in the organisation. The department will support and help faculty members to acquire knowledge and skills in the Danish language. Read more about the university’s language policy here: Implementation of the UCPH language policy – University of Copenhagen

For more information on the diverse working place environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, please see here: HR Excellence in Research – University of Copenhagen

International applicant
It is expected that non-Danish speakers, within 3-6 years, will acquire the necessary language skills in order to be able to interact in a Danish-speaking organisational environment. The department will support and help faculty members to acquire knowledge and skills in the Danish language.

UCPH offers a variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during relocation and career counseling for expat partners. Please find more information about these services as well as information on entering and working in Denmark here: For international researchers at the University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen

The deadline for applications is 23:59 [CET] on March 7, 2024.

Any applications or additional material submitted after the deadline will not be considered


Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.


Application deadline: 07-03-2025
Employment start: 01-08-2025
Department/Location: Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk

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