Teacher's Assistants and Assistant Lecturers (Teaching Assistants) at the Department of Computer Science, block 3 and 4 in 2025

The Department of Computer Science is looking for Teacher’s Assistants and Assistant Lecturers (Teaching Assistants) for courses in the Bachelor programmes and Master programmes from 1 February 2025 – 31 August 2025.

There are available positions on the following courses:

Bsc. programmes at DIKU

  • Kickstartkurset (preparatory course in August)


In block 3

  • Advanced Topics in Human-Centred Computing (ATHCC)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures (AD)
  • Computability and Complexity (CoCo)
  • Computational Geometry (CG)
  • Econometrics B (ØkB)
  • Fundamentals of Data Science (GDS)
  • Introductory Probability Theory and Statistics (GSS)
  • Interaction Design (Inter)
  • Introduction to Data Science (IDS)
  • Introduction to Discrete Mathematics & Algorithms (IDMA)
  • Numerical Optimization (NO)
  • Online and Reinforcement Learning (OReL)
  • Participatory design of Information Systems (PD)
  • Programming Language Design (PLD)
  • Semantics and Types (SaT)
  • Signal and Image Processing (SIP)
  • Health Data and Interoperability
  • Web Recommender Systems (WRS)

In block 4

  • Applied Programming (APP)
  • Approximation Algorithms (APX)
  • Computational Methods in Simulation (CMIS)
  • Databases and Information Systems (DIS)
  • Implementation of Programming Languages (IPS)
  • Machine Learning B (MLB)
  • Macroeconomics B (MakØkB)
  • Microeconomics A (MikØkA)
  • Microeconomics B (MikØkB)
  • Mobile Computing (MC)
  • Proactive Computer Security (PCS)
  • Program Analysis and Transformation (PAT)
  • Randomized Algorithms (RA)
  • Randomised Algorithms for Data Analysis (RAD)
  • Search Engines (SE)
  • Simulation-based Reinforcement Learning (SiRL)
  • User Interface Technology (UIT)


In block 3 & 4

  • KOMIT: BA-project
  • KOMIT: Data Mining and Visualization of Networked Communication
  • KOMIT: Design project
  • KOMIT: Digital platforms, Media and Communication
  • KOMIT: Thesis Seminar
  • Software Development for Digital Health
  • Software Engineering and Architecture (SEA)
  • Software Development (SU)
  • Health Information Infrastructures


MSc. In Computer Science

In block 3

  • Advanced Topics in Human-Centred Computing (ATHCC)
  • Computability and Complexity (CoCo)
  • Computational Geometry (CG)
  • Introduction to Data Science (IDS)
  • Numerical Optimization (NO)Semantics and Types (SaT)
  • Signal and Image Processing (SIP)
  • Web Recommender Systems (WRS)
  • Online Reinforcement Learning (OReL)


In block 4

  • Applied programming (APP)
  • Approximation Algorithms (APX)
  • Computational Methods in Simulation (CMIS)
  • Mobile Computing (MC)
  • Proactive Computer Security (PCS)
  • Program Analysis and Transformation (PAT)
  • Randomized Algorithms (RA)
  • User Interface Technology (UIT)
  • Simulation-based Reinforcement Learning (SiRL)


In block 3 & 4

  • Software Engineering and Architecture (SEA)


Sundhed og Informatik

  • Software Development for Digital Health (BSc.)
  • Sundheds-it infrastruktur (MSc.)


Kommunikation og IT

  • Design project (BA)
  • Datamining og visualisering af netværksbaseret kommunikation (KA)


Read more about the job assignment on each course. Furthermore, the course descriptions are published at kurser.ku.dk. For more information, please contact the course organizer who you find in the course description at kurser.ku.dk.

Work assignments
Teacher’s Assistant and Assistant Lecturer (Teaching Assistant) assignments vary from course to course, but usually include:

Regarding the course:
1. Preparation and conduction of weekly exercises.
2. Preparation of the course before the course starts and possibly assistance during exam/re-exam.
3. Weekly TA meetings, including continuous communication with the course organiser and the other TA’s about work assignments.
4. Preparation and test of assignments.
5. Correction, approval, and feedback on assignments.
6. Guiding and answering questions from students about the course outside of exercise classes (e.g., in Absalon).
7. Assignments related to online classes. Among this being an E-moderator at the hybrid lectures. One who will keep a close eye at the questions coming in in the chat.


Outside the course:
1. Participation in TA workshop at IND if you have not participated before. In the course, you will get the didactic tools you will need to be a TA. Please enclose the diploma with your application if you have participated before.

2. Answering emails from the department regarding the above work assignments and keeping deadlines and appointments.


Qualifications for the position as ASSISTANT LECTURER (Teaching Assistant)
In order to be employed as an Assistant Lecturer (Teaching Assistant) you must have finalized your master’s degree and i.e. be qualified to handle teaching assignments & teaching independently, and supplement teaching handled by an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor. The position is limited to 3 years.

Qualifications for the position as TEACHER’s ASSISTANT (TA)

The TA positions are to be filled mainly with applicants who are in one of the following Bachelor or master’s programmes: Computer Science, Machine learning & Data Science, Computer science and Economics, Cognition and Data Science, Mathematics, Economics, Cognition & IT, Communication & IT or Health Informatics or similar Bachelor or Masters programmes can also be considered as far as their competences are relevant for the course.

You must be enrolled as a student if you wish to be a TA. In order be a TA on BSc-courses we expect you to primarily communicate in Danish, and as a TA in an MSc-course you are expected to be proficient in English. As a teacher's assistant, the position is limited to 5 years.


Salary and conditions of employment for ASSISTANT LECTURER (Teaching Assistant)

The employment is in accordance with the rules concerning assistant lecturers (teaching assistants) as described in "Cirkulære om aftale om eksterne lektorer og undervisningsassistenter ved universiteter m.fl. under Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet" (only in Danish) and the provisions for the teaching assistant position as described in “Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at the Universities".

As Assistant Lecturer (teaching assistant) you will be paid for 130 hours for 7,5 ECTS course and 260 hours for a 15 ECTS course. The salary is DKK 278.71 per hour (1 April 2024 level).

Salary and conditions of employment for TEACHER’s ASSISTANT
The employment is made in accordance with the Collective Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the National Union for Student Teachers (SUL)/the Union of Danish Medical Students (FADL) for Student Teachers at the Danish universities and the annexed protocol on Student Teachers. Read more here (only in Danish): Cirkulære om overenskomst for Studenterundervisere ved universiteter mv.

As teacher's assistant you will be paid for 130 hours for 7,5 ECTS course and 260 hours for a 15 ECTS course. The salary is DKK 248.01 per hour (1 April 2024 level).


Send an application with a CV, enrolment letter and grade transcripts of your Examination Register by clicking the link ‘Apply now’ below - no later than 4 November 2024. If you apply for more than one position, then please prioritize your wishes in your application.

Please state it in the top of your application if you are already employed as an AL or TA at DIKU.
We want to reflect the surrounding society and encourage that everyone regardless of personal background applies for the position.

More information about the positions
If you need further information about assignments etc. you can contact the course organiser. You can find the specific course organiser in the course description at kurser.ku.dk.

Job interview and recruitment process
In some cases you will to be invited for a job interview with the course organiser. Your E-mail address and phone number must be stated in the application.

NB: The majority of the candidates will receive information e-mails during December 2024. However, the last positions for Block 3 will be filled in mid-January 2025, where you will receive an information email. The last positions for Block 4 will be filled in mid-March 2025, where you will receive an information email.


Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.


Application deadline: 04-11-2024
Employment start: 01-02-2025
Working hours: Part-time
Department/Location: Department of Computer Science

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