Postdoc of Grass and leaf food proteins Faculty of Science FOOD 23-02-2025
PhD fellowship in Sustainability Assessment and Life Cycle Inventory Modelling of Food Systems Faculty of Science FOOD 23-02-2025
Assistant Professor of Large Animal Translational Cardiology at Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin 23-02-2025
Laboratory Technician, bioanalyst or Academic research staff for the Proteomics Research Infrastructure Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordic Foundation Center for Protein Research 23-02-2025
Research position available at reNEW Copenhagen Node as part of ERC funding in the lab of Josh Brickman Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences reNEW NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine 23-02-2025
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW is seeking an administrative student assistant Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences reNEW NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine 23-02-2025
PhD fellowship in cutaneous T cell lymphoma research at the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center (SIC) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi 24-02-2025
Postdoctoral Researcher in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 24-02-2025
PhD fellowship in Systems Neuroscience at the Department of Neuroscience at UCPH Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Neurovidenskab 24-02-2025
RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN QUATERNARY PALYNOLOGY AT GLOBE INSTITUTE Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 24-02-2025
Engageret og selvstændig special- eller chefkonsulent til et stort internationalt kapacitetsudviklingsprojekt ved Centre for Online and Blended Learning Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 25-02-2025
Laboratory Assistant Positions at the University of Copenhagen – Department of Neuroscience Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Neurovidenskab 25-02-2025
Ph. D fellowship in Forensic Odontology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Forensic Medicine 25-02-2025
Ph.d.-stipendium i immunologi ved LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center (SIC) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Immunology and Microbiology 25-02-2025
PhD fellowship in sustainable diets and cardiometabolic diseases Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab 26-02-2025
Researcher in systemic metabolism and type 2 diabetes Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen 26-02-2025
Laboratory assistant for the Schjoldager laboratory at the Department for Cellular and Molecular Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin 26-02-2025
Postdoc in Metabolic Modelling and Fluxomics Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen 27-02-2025
PhD fellowship in "GLP-1 receptor agonists for the treatment of cannabis use disorder: establishing preclinical evidence and elucidating the neural mechanisms" at IFSV Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Public Health 27-02-2025
Kommunikationsrådgiver til det danske IPBES-kontor Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 27-02-2025
PhD fellowship in RNA Epitranscriptomics at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Biotech research and innovation centre 27-02-2025
211-2087/25-2H PhD fellowship in Massively Lockstep-Parallel Full-Isomerspace Quantum Chemistry Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 27-02-2025
PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology Faculty of Science Department of Biology 28-02-2025
Two PhD fellowships in Quantum Physics Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 28-02-2025
163350 Clinical professor in orthopedic surgery with special focus on limb reconstruction (fixed-term, 10 years) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Rigshospitalet 28-02-2025
163352 Clinical professor of Orthopaedic Surgery with special focus on paediatric orthopaedic (fixed-term, 10 years) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Rigshospitalet 28-02-2025
PhD fellowship Marie Curie in Molecular Metabolism Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research 28-02-2025
Academic employee (AC-TAP) at Department of Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Biomedical Sciences 28-02-2025
Assistant Professor in Algae biochemistry Faculty of Science Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences 28-02-2025
PhD fellowship in RNA Biology Faculty of Science Biologisk Institut 01-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Remote Sensing and Deep Learning Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 01-03-2025
PhD fellowship: A life course approach to identifying predictors of loneliness and social isolation in early old age using machine learning and causal discovery methods Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Public Health 01-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Immunology and Microbiology 01-03-2025
Assistant Professor of Quantum Response Theory Algorithms for Electromagnetic Properties of Molecules on NISQ Quantum Computers Faculty of Science Kemisk institut 01-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Land Value Modelling Faculty of Science Department of Food and Resource Economics 01-03-2025
Postdoc in organic chemistry Faculty of Science Kemisk institut 01-03-2025
PhD scholarship at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Sociology 02-03-2025
Postdoc of Quantum Computing Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry Faculty of Science Kemisk institut 02-03-2025
Associate Professorship in Bovine Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences 02-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Sustainable Feeding Solutions for Greenland Sled Dogs Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences 02-03-2025
PhD position focusing on structure, function and engineering of glycoside hydrolases Faculty of Science Kemisk Institut 02-03-2025
Teaching Assistant Professor of Companion Animal Clinical Nutrition Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin 02-03-2025
Gartner eller gartnermedarbejder med erfaring søges til Nørre Campus, Københavns Universitet Faculty of Social Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 02-03-2025
AV-tekniker søges til Nørre Campus, Københavns Universitet Faculty of Social Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 02-03-2025
Postdoctoral positions in Social Anthropology: The Social Life of Dead Bodies. A new ethnographic approach to migrant deaths in and around the Mediterranean Sea Faculty of Social Sciences Institut for Antropologi 03-03-2025
Two postdoctoral positions in the study of collective anger in the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Sciences Institut for Antropologi 03-03-2025
Staff Scientist (AC-TAP) in Conservation Biology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences GLOBE Institut 03-03-2025
Associate Professor of Neurovascular Barriers in Skin Disorders and Infectious Diseases (fixed-term 3 years) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi 03-03-2025
Staff Scientist (AC-TAP) in Redox Proteomics at the Department of Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Biomedicinsk Institut 03-03-2025
Research assistant in economics at UCPH Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Economics 03-03-2025
PhD position in the political economy of digital methods at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication 03-03-2025
Postdoc in Data driven strategies for prevention of vector borne viruses in Danish livestock Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 04-03-2025
Københavns Universitets uddannelsesadministrationen på Nørre Campus søger en specialkonsulent/projektleder og en fuldmægtig Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Fakultetsservice 04-03-2025
PhD fellowship in bioengineering of cutaneous drug delivery systems a part of the ILnext project Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Pharmacy 05-03-2025
Postdoc in Bioinformatics/Data Science/Machine Learning Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology & Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education 05-03-2025
Strukturerede og brugerorienterede AC-fuldmægtige til barselsvikariater i studieadministration på Københavns Universitet Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Campusadministration Nørre 05-03-2025
Academic coordinator (fixed term until 1 May 2030) at the Department of Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Public Health 05-03-2025
Postdoc in Neuroscience at UCPH – Develop innovative Open Science Tools Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Neuroscience 06-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics Faculty of Science Department of Biology 06-03-2025
Postdoc in computational modeling of gene regulation in single cells Faculty of Science Department of Biology 06-03-2025
Postdoc in Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic Regulation Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen 06-03-2025
PhD fellowships at the Center for Gene Expression Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 06-03-2025
Forskningsprojekt om ikke-muslimsk islam søger to studerende Faculty of Theology Det Teologiske Fakultet 06-03-2025
Postdoc position on carbon use efficiency of soil microorganisms Faculty of Science Department of Biology 06-03-2025
211-2113/25-2I Postdoc of Secure and reliably communicating systems for the maritime sector Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 06-03-2025
Postdoc in the chemistry of oat-Fusarium interactions Faculty of Science PLEN 07-03-2025
Associate Professor within the field of History and Culture of the English-speaking world with a focus on British history and culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Faculty of Humanities Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk 07-03-2025
Postdoc in Environmental and Computer Sciences Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 07-03-2025
Postdoc in Biochemistry Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi 09-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Computational Aging Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin 09-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Plant Biochemistry Faculty of Science Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences 09-03-2025
Studentermedhjælper til beredskabsafsnittet på Driftsområde Nørre, Københavns Universitet Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Det sunhedsvidenskablige fakultet 09-03-2025
Assistant Professor of chemometrics Faculty of Science FOOD 10-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Experimental Quantum Optics Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 10-03-2025
PhD Fellowship as part of the research project ‘AI and the University – Towards a sociolinguistics of literacy and voice in the age of generative AI’ (AI-UNI), University of Copenhagen Faculty of Humanities Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) 11-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Medical Science and Technology Studies/Medical Anthropology at the Department of Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Public Health 11-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Social Science of Health Promotion and Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Public Health 12-03-2025
Serviceassistent, Institut for Farmaci Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Farmaci 13-03-2025
Assistant Professor fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science Faculty of Science Niels Bohr institutet 15-03-2025
2 PhD fellowships in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network: Cilia-AI (European Training Programme for Deconvolution of Multi-scale Cilia Function in Health and Disease by Integrating Machine Learning-AI Approaches) Faculty of Science Department of Biology 15-03-2025
PhD fellowship(s) in probabilistic modelling for RNA modifications Faculty of Science Department of Biology 15-03-2025
Postdoc in probabilistic deep learning for RNA modifications Faculty of Science Department of Biology 15-03-2025
PhD Project in Spin Qubit Control & Automation Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 15-03-2025
Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Ecological Economics Faculty of Science Department of Food and Resource Economics 16-03-2025
3 PhD fellowships in Computational Quantum Physics (Theory & Simulations) Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 16-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 16-03-2025
PhD fellowship in Evolutionary Biology at the Globe Institute Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 16-03-2025
Postdoc in the field of Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 16-03-2025
Director for our new Centre for Core Facilities at University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet 16-03-2025
163280 Clinical Professor of Dermatovenerology with special focus on Mycology, Infectious and Inflammatory Skin Diseases (Fixed-Term, 5 Years) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Herlev og Gentofte Hospital 17-03-2025
PhD fellowship Marie Curie in Nuclear Metabolism Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW 17-03-2025
Postdoc on fungal biodiversity, citizen science and conservation effectiveness, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute 18-03-2025
Postdoc in the interfacial chemistry of plastic surface Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 18-03-2025
Postdoc in gene expression Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 18-03-2025
Full-time Molecular Biology Lab Manager at Natural History Museum Denmark Faculty of Science Statens Naturhistoriske Museum 21-03-2025
Postdoc in Human Centred Computing Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science 21-03-2025
Postdoc of Investigation of Oxygen Dynamics in Enzymatic Degradation of Biomaterials Faculty of Science Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning 23-03-2025
163564 Clinical Research Associate Professor of Internal Medicine: Respiratory Medicine (Fixed-term, 5 years) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Sjællands Universitetshospital, Roskilde 23-03-2025
Postdoctoral Researcher in Citizen Science Faculty of Science Natural History Museum Denmark 24-03-2025
Postdoc positions in Experimental Quantum Optics Faculty of Science Niels Bohr institutet 24-03-2025
PhD fellowship at the Department of Food and Resource Economics Faculty of Science Department of Food and Resource Economics 28-03-2025
Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Actuarial Mathematics and Applied Probability (211-0235/25-2N+211-0673/25-2E) Faculty of Science Department of Matematical Sciences 30-03-2025
Postdoc in Spin Qubit Design & Control Faculty of Science Niels Bohr institutet 31-03-2025
Tenure-track Assistant Professorship or Associate Professorship in Psychology and Social Data Science Faculty of Social Sciences Institut for Psykologi 31-03-2025
Laboratory manager to NQCP Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 31-03-2025
211-2056/25-2H PhD stipends in Mathematics Faculty of Science Department of Matematical Sciences 01-04-2025
Postdoc in theoretical quantum optics and quantum information Faculty of Science Niels Bohr institutet 01-04-2025
211-2068/25-2H PhD stipends in Statistics and the mathematics of Insurance and Economics Faculty of Science Department of Matematical Sciences 01-04-2025
Postdoc in dinoflagellate vision and visual ecology Faculty of Science Biologisk Institut 01-04-2025
PhD Scholarships at the Faculty of Theology, including Centre of African Studies Faculty of Theology Det Teologiske Fakultet 01-04-2025
PhD Study Bursary at the Faculty of Theology, including Centre of African Studies Faculty of Theology Det Teologiske Fakultet 01-04-2025
PhD fellowship in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Faculty of Science Niels Bohr Institutet 01-04-2025
PhD fellowship in bowhead whale population genomics and demography Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 01-04-2025
Postdocs positions in Network Science, AI, and Science of Science – SODAS, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Sciences SODAS 01-04-2025
211-2102/25-2H PhD fellowship in deep-sea viral ecology Faculty of Science Department of Biology 01-04-2025
Postdoctoral fellowship in cosmochemistry and planetary sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Globe Institute 01-04-2025
PhD fellowship in Physics of Life Faculty of Science Niels Bohr institutet 06-04-2025
Research Group Leader of Vaccine Technologies & Platforms (Associate Professor) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi 07-04-2025
Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Environmental Policy and Governance Faculty of Science Department of Food and Resource Economics 09-04-2025
Two postdoctoral positions in cultural policy research at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication 20-04-2025